Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pushing Back (Part 4) Unchecked Environmentalism

I want to start this topic off by saying; I am not against the environment. I love this country and I love this land. I also love to see America as an independently wealthy nation and Americans working to better themselves and their families. America is a fantastic place to live and work and I want to see that continue.

However, in looking at the type of radical people calling themselves environmentalists today, it just makes me sick. It might be unpopular to say this, but I value human life more than the life of a tree.

The idea of punishing America’s wealth for the sake of the environments is just absurd. It hearts Americans and it hearts the environment.

Lets take a look at recycling as just one example of environmental planning that damages both the environment and American labor. The city of LA had to double their trash trucks just to account for a separate recycling pick-up. Clearly this resulted in higher costs, more traffic and more pollution from increased number of trucks.

In addition, recycling has a direct impact on the American pulp farmer. (not lumber jack, farmer) More recycled paper demands less virgin paper. Less virgin paper demands less jobs and less oxygen creating trees.

Rather that keeping the jobs here and making new paper, we take old paper and ship it across the ocean to China and have it reprocessed. It turns out that his act creates more pollution than processing virgin pulp.

This is just one example of blind environmentalism doing more harm than good, but it is hardly the only example. Cap and Trade promises to do more damage to the US job market, but also the environment. A lot of businesses will leave the US or simply close their doors.

The fact is manufacturing goods in the United States is better for the environment than sending business to countries where environmental laws are not in place. I am shocked to see that both politicians and real people can’t see this.

Further restricting businesses with more federal controls and taxes will only result in manufacturing leaving the United States. If you want to make the world a cleaner place, make it easier and cheaper to manufacture in the United States. Reduce Taxes on businesses, and allow Americans to create jobs.

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