Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pushing Back (Part 3) Untested Government Planning

I see a lot of crazy things going on today, but none seems stranger than the idea of massive government changes without any data or testing to back it up. No one seams to ask, or even understand that the idea may not go 100% according to plan. I don’t hear concerns about what possible consequences may come from the changes. Instead, it seams that this country is willing to put all of their trust into the hands of the politicians, and just assume that everything will be great.

If a company acted in this manner, they would be out of business in no time. I guess somewhere along the way, we have lost sight of the fact that America is a type of business. We need to have positive income to remain a healthy organization, and that comes from healthy financial choices.

The Problem

The wrong political leaders
Our political leaders are wrong for this. They are the wrong type of people, and they want to get elected for the wrong reasons. They want to build an ever-growing government and spend our hard earned dollars to do it.

What seems to be missing in the current American logic is that healthy choices require well-informed people. Our politicians don’t understand (or care) about unforeseen consequences. Our government’s blind and emotionally based actions point to a simple and underlining point. The wrong people are running this country and they are doing it with blatant disregard to what “We The People” ask for.

Missing historic testing data

The current legislation that America is facing is untested and based upon unproven data. Lets look at Cap In Trade as just one of the examples.

We have no test markets; we have no idea the economic impact. This country has no way to know how businesses will react to this or if it will actually help reduce the amount CO2 in the air.

Keep in mind that a large amount of our current CO2 is coming from China as it is. Making it harder for businesses to operate may result in even more jobs leaving the US. It may result in more US unemployment, and more dirty manufacturing overseas.

Moreover, we have no data to prove what will happen if we are to reduce the amount of CO2 by any drastic amount. We have no knowledge of how that might impact global weather, or food production.

The Solution

The solution is not that simple and not that fast, but it is necessary. First off, we need to create an association. Members will be organized, plans will be created and goals will be agreed upon.

For starters, we need to agree on the following items.
1. We believe in this country and it’s people.
2. Our guiding documents will be the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights
3. We desire a country where we are not punished for being smarter and working harder.
4. We believe in smaller government with less federal power.
5. We believe in knowledge before action

I fear that only through an organized union of Americans Citizens will we be able to fight the sort of tyranny that we see today.

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